Women and Labour | 

Lesson 8


www.etfo.ca | 

Intermediate ETFO Resource


Learning from Labour

Reference Bibliography

Brockmann, B. (2016). It Starts With The Story: Collecting Family Oral History in, Kristina Llewlyn and Nicholas-Ng-A-Fook (eds.) Oral 

History and Education: Theories, Dilemmas and Practices. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO). ETFO History. Retrieved July 21, 2015. http://etfounionhistory.ca/

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO). (2014). Revised ETFO Arts. Toronto, ON: ETFO.

Mystery Quests. Women’s labour and slavery in New France. Retrieved July 22, 2015; http://www.mysteryquests.ca/ages/11_14/indexen.


Whitfield, K and Snider, K. (2014, October 9). Where the Ground Speaks: Historical Inquiry Through Drama. Retrieved July 12, 2015 from 
