Lesson 3

 | The Labour Day Critical Design Challenge


Learning from Labour | 

Intermediate ETFO Resource



The Labour Day Critical Design Challenge

Your municipality is asking for proposals to revitalize ‘Labour Day’ and honour the efforts of workers today and in the past. You or your 
team hope to be hired as the Historical and Current Events Planning Group to lead this effort! Submit a one-to-two page report OR 
provide an oral presentation with visual supports (anchor chart, Prezi or slideshow) which outlines your vision.

PART A: Proposal Planner

Identify your target audience. Which group of citizens are you trying to reach and engage? (You might have more than one target 
audience.) What do those citizens like? What do they need? What do they need to know?

PART B: Develop your Knowledge and Make Selections

Together, your team has 
the required background 
knowledge about …

Identify two to three of the most significant aspects, people, 
organizations, events or developments in each category

Labour Day origin and practices


Employment Standards and Health 
and Safety Regulations Today


Organized Labour 

Additional historical or local 