Step C:

Assessment of 



Teacher Talk: Excellent job of working together and sharing your 

examples! Considering the people you brainstormed, what is the evidence 

of Perseverance in their life? Let’s look closer at one together as a class: 

Terry Fox. Terry Fox would be placed in the middle section of the Venn 

Diagram—correct? What are some pieces of evidence that Terry Fox showed 

Perseverance, that he never gave up? [Record responses on chart paper.] 

You will work individually for a moment and then regroup. Each of you is to 

choose two names from your group’s Venn Diagram—these do not have 

to be from your original list. Just as we did for Terry Fox, in your Response 

Journal, you will list a few pieces of evidence of Perseverance that each of 

the two people displayed and are known for.

Facilitation Note: This activity does not require further research into each of 

the names. If a student is not familiar with any of the twenty-four names, one 

option is to pair them with another student to work on this.

Teacher Talk: Great job working together to look at the contributions of 

people in our community or in society as a whole. We’ve looked at the direct 

impact an individual’s Perseverance has had on themselves, others and 

society. As we did with Terry Fox, can you tell the class about another person 

and the Perseverance evidence you’ve written down? [After the student has 

shared, ask where his or her group placed this person on the Venn Diagram 

(which of the seven sections). Place the name on the Venn Diagram on the 

chart paper. Record at least five or six examples shared by the class.]

Let’s think about what you currently know and understand about the 

qualities of Perseverance. Consider the following questions and write down 

your responses in your Response Journal: Are there different levels of 

Perseverance? Does Perseverance have to influence others in society?

Facilitation Note: As a class (or if there is time, you can have  students 

discuss their responses in their groups first) ask students their responses to 

these questions. Remind students to be respectful of what the other group 

members are saying, as there will be some disagreement. Students may 

think that the names that are in the middle of the Venn Diagram (showing a 

direct impact on all three sections) are “better” than those placed in only one 

section or an intersection of only two sections.

Students are to write in their Response Journal their thoughts about these 

two questions.

Black Line 

BLM #1 Student Assessment Checklist
BLM #2 Anecdotal Observation/Conferencing Tracking Template
BLM #3 Perseverance Strips
BLM #4 Impact of Perseverance of Self, Others and Society Venn Diagram

Black Canadian Curriculum – Intermediate – ETFO – 2014