You may consider showing the video more than once to allow more 

opportunities to listen for, deconstruct and discuss the social and sport-

related issues that the video blogger shares. Have a discussion with the 

students about these issues and document the thinking on chart paper or 


Step B:
for Learning


Teacher Talk: We have documented many of the issues that this video 

blogger has shared. You will now have an opportunity to think about and 

share your opinion about some of these issues. 

Put Yourself on the Line: Starting with Statement 1, have students stand 

shoulder to shoulder based on their stance on the issue. Indicate that each 

end is not necessarily the most extreme stance on the issue, but rather it is a 

continuum based on the class. There may be others that have more extreme 

views, but they are not present to share them.

Agree                                          Neutral                                          Disagree

1. Women should be included in the Hockey Hall of Fame even though 

there is currently no women’s professional hockey league.

2. Angela James’s life and career support her induction into the Hockey 

Hall of Fame.

Slide the Line: Once students have placed themselves on the line, cut the 

line in half and have one end step forward, turn around and shift down in 

the opposite direction until each student is standing in front of someone 

else. Students with views on opposite ends of the continuum should NOT be 

standing in front of each other. Label each side of the lines Side A and Side 

B (Person A and Person B).

Teacher Talk: Would Person A please share your views on the statement 

with your partner? Person B, you are only attentively listening at this time. 

Once Person A has finished, Person B you will paraphrase/summarize what 

they shared with you. 

Facilitation Note: Give time for students to share and paraphrase back. 

This is important to ensure that each student has been heard and they clarify 

their thinking if necessary.

Teacher Talk: Now we are going to switch roles. Person B, you are going to 

share your views on the statement; and Person A, you will attentively listen. 

Once Person B has finished, Person A, you will paraphrase/summarize what 

they shared with you.

Black Canadian Curriculum – Intermediate – ETFO – 2014