You will use the Women Contributors Graphic Organizer (BLM #4) to document 

the information that you will learn from the other experts.

Facilitation Note: Give students ample time to share in their groups, and 

consider providing additional supports so that they are comfortable sharing 

when they are not with their expert group (i.e., fact sheet, graphic organizer, 

highlighted information sheet, etc.).

Jigsaw: Divide each of the women contributor expert groups so that there 

are one or two students from each expert group in a new group. Therefore 

there are one or two students representing each of the women contributors 

in a group.

Select a woman contributor to start with and give students a specific 

amount of time to share (e.g., 5 minutes per woman contributor). As each 

woman contributor is shared, the other students are attentively listening and 

completing their Women Contributors Graphic Organizer. 

After all the students have shared, provide time for them to return to their 

expert group, share their thoughts on the other women and complete their 

Women Contributors Graphic Organizer. 

Provide a time where learners share “glows” (something they did well) and 

“grows” (areas to possibly improve) feedback to their peers.


The following are suggestions for summative tasks that your students can 

choose for themselves. Add, delete or modify to best meet the needs, interests 

and skill level of your learners. Have the choices posted or photocopied for 

easy access for learners. 

Choice Board
• Create a blog on your woman contributor.
• Create a dramatic presentation highlighting the major events in the 

woman contributor’s life.

• Write a rap or song about your woman contributor.
• Design and create an original monument celebrating the woman 


• Create a comic strip highlighting the major event in the woman contributor’s 


• Create and perform morning announcements on a Character trait and a 

woman contributor. 

• Interview your women contributor and write the transcript of the interview.

Black Canadian Curriculum – Intermediate – ETFO – 2014