Teacher Talk: For two lessons we have looked at important people in 

our lives—family, school, community or neighbourhood and Canada. We 

identified some of the qualities that these people displayed, including some 

Character traits. Last lesson, you chose a Character trait and drew two 

pictures—a picture of you demonstrating that trait, and another picture with 

one of the “important” people showing that trait. With your elbow partner, 

take a moment to share which character trait you chose and describe the 

two pictures you drew. 

Facilitation Note: Remind students about respectful language when looking 

at others’ work. Encourage students to make a positive statement about their 

group mates’ work.

There are many Canadians who have done wonderful things to make a 

difference for people and their area of expertise. We’ve already mentioned 

Terry Fox, who is very famous and has contributed not only to Canadian 

society but has inspired millions of people around the world. We are going 

to focus today on a Canadian woman that has made a significant impact in 

her area of expertise and on Canada in general. 

Lesson 4: As we discussed yesterday, there are some Canadian contributors 

who are very famous or popular. We see and hear about them on websites, 

in books and through various media. There are others who have made very 

significant contributions to Canadian society but may not have received 

the same recognition as others. We are going to learn about one amazing 

woman that fits into this category.

Step B:
for Learning


Teacher Talk: We are going to read about a woman who made a profound 

difference in how many people in Canada are treated on a daily basis as 

well as challenged the thinking of all Canadians. [Display the poster on the 

Learning Wall for the students to see.]

Facilitation Notes: Before reading the story, introduce the terms 

“segregation,” “discrimination,” “respect” and “racism” (write the words on 

paper strips to display on the Learning Wall). Discuss the words’ meanings 

and share some examples.  


Focus on the following aspects of Viola Davis’s life as the book is being read: 

the history, accomplishments and triumphs, and struggles. This will frame 

the discussions after the reading of the book.

Have the Mind Map in view of the learners and have different coloured 

markers ready to document their thinking.

Black Canadian Curriculum – Primary – ETFO – 2014