Focusing on those areas that came through the most during the modelled 

reading of the text, complete the Mind Map using ideas generated by the 

class discussion. You may complete the Mind Map during the reading, after 

the reading or a combination of the two. Leave the sections of the Mind 

Map titled Impact on Society and Character Trait Displayed blank, as these 

sections will frame the next part of the lesson.

Step C:
of Learning


Teacher Talk: We have done a great job of taking the information that we 

learned about Viola Davis in the book and documenting it on our Mind Map. 

You will notice that there are two sections that we have not completed. Let’s 

consider what the impact of all that Viola Davis went through was. 

Possible Focus Questions:
• What has the impact been on her, her family, her community, the country 

and the world?

• Are these impacts significant? Why or why not?

Facilitation Notes: Guide students to see the differing impacts of these two 

women, especially as one moves beyond community to the country and the 

world. Both women are inspirational, with significant impacts.  

The last section of the Mind Map to fill in is Character Trait Displayed, and 

students will decide which character trait or traits Viola Davis displayed. 

Have students share and give their reasons why they feel the trait describes 



Teacher Talk: If we now look to our Learning Wall, based on our lesson today, 

what words could we add? [Examples are “segregation,” “discrimination,” 

“respect,” “racism,” “contributor,” “brave,” “inspired,” “rights,” “hero,” 

“struggles,” “accomplishments,” “impact,” etc. Be sure to display Viola’s 

poster as well. For Angela, Learning Wall words could be “hockey,” “equal,” 

“Olympics,” “inspiration,” “pioneer,” “inductee,” “athlete,” “contributions,” 


To finish up today, you will draw a picture of Viola (or Angela). Write a 

sentence below your picture to describe what you have drawn. [Encourage 

students to pick a moment out of the story they heard that they want to 

illustrate. For Angela, their drawing could be from the resource sheet or the 

YouTube clip.] 

Lesson Ideas for Modelled Reading inspired by Social Justice Begins with 

Me (2011)

Black Canadian Curriculum – Primary – ETFO – 2014