Possible Responses:
• They are all adults.
• They are all Canadians.
• They are all celebrities.
• They all have done something important.
• They have made a difference in their area of interest/expertise.

Facilitation Note: As the class discusses the activity, give brief information 

about those contributors in the pictures that students may not be familiar 

with, or focus on the contributions they have made to society.

Teacher Talk: Thank you for all your responses. As this activity shows, there 

are many Canadians who have done wonderful things to make a difference 

for people or their area of expertise. We are going to focus today on a 

Canadian that has made a significant impact in her area of expertise and on 

Canada in general. 

Step B:
for Learning


Teacher Talk: We are going to read about a woman who made a profound 

difference in how many people in Canada are treated on a daily basis as well 

as challenged the thinking of all Canadians.

Facilitation Notes: Before reading the book Viola Desmond Won’t Be 

Budged, introduce the terms “segregation,” “discrimination,” “respect,” and 

“racism.” Discuss the words’ meanings and share some examples. 

Focus on the following aspects of Viola Davis’s life as the book is being read: 

her history, accomplishments, struggles and triumphs. These aspects will 

frame the discussions after the reading of the book. 

Mind Map: Have the enlarged Mind Map in view of the learners, and have 

different coloured markers ready to document their thinking. Focusing on 

the themes that came through the most during the modelled reading of the 

text, complete the Mind Map using ideas generated by the class discussion. 

You may complete the Mind Map during the reading, after the reading or a 

combination of the two. Leave the section of the Mind Map titled “Impact” 

blank, as this section will frame the next part of the lesson.

Step C:
for Learning


Teacher Talk: We have done a great job of taking the information that we 

learned about Viola Davis in the book and documenting it on our Mind Map. 

You will notice that there is one section that we have not completed. Let’s 

consider what the impact of all that Viola Davis went through was. 

Black Canadian Curriculum – Junior – ETFO – 2014