Possible Focus Questions:
• What has the impact been on her, her family, her community, the country 

and the world?

• Are these impacts significant? Why or why not?
• Why has Viola Davis’s contribution not been as valued as others?
• Why are some contributions to society valued more than others?

Journal Entry: Have students write a journal entry about the impact or 

change that Viola Desmond brought about due to her actions. Have them 

use the class discussion to frame their responses.


Round-Robin Sharing: Organize students into groups of approximately 

four to five each. Each student will take turns sharing within the groups 

one impact that they included in their journal entry. Remind students that 

everyone needs to have an opportunity to share. 

Lesson ideas for modelled reading inspired by Social Justice Begins with 

Me (2011).

Black Line 

BLM #1 Student Assessment Checklist
BLM #2 Anecdotal Observation/Conferencing Tracking Template
BLM #3 Canadian Contributors to Society Photo Suggestions
BLM #4 Mind Map Template

Black Canadian Curriculum – Junior – ETFO – 2014