Other Important Information for  

New Members

This section contains more details on specific topics that will be important for you to know throughout 
your career in education. The information will also help you to make the transition from new member to 
experienced member.

Duties of Teachers

The Education Act is the core statute governing elementary and secondary education in the province of 
Ontario. In addition to the Education Act, other statutes and regulations exist   to further expand upon the 
various legal requirements for educators in Ontario. Section 264 of the Education Act and Regulation 298 
clearly delineate the duties of a teacher and a temporary teacher.

Excerpts from the Education Act, Section 264

(1) It is the duty of a teacher and a temporary teacher,

a) to teach diligently and faithfully the classes or subjects assigned to the teacher by the 


b) to encourage the pupils in the pursuit of learning;

c) to inculcate by precept and example respect for religion and the principles of 

JudaeoChristian morality and the highest regard for truth, justice, loyalty, love of country, 
humanity, benevolence, sobriety, industry, frugality, purity, temperance and all other 

d) to assist in developing co-operation and co-ordination of effort among the members of the 

staff of the school;

e) to maintain, under the direction of the principal, proper order and discipline in the 

teacher’s classroom and while on duty in the school and on the school ground;

f) in instruction and in all communications with the pupils in regard to discipline and the 

management of the school;
i) to use the English language, except where it is impractical to do so by reason of the 

pupil not understanding English, and except in respect of instruction in a language 
other than English when such other language is being taught as one of the subjects in 
the course of study, or

ii) to use the French language in schools or classes in which French is the language of in-

struction except where it is impractical to do so by reason of the pupil not understand-
ing French, and except in respect of instruction in a language other than French when 
such other language is being taught as one of the subjects in the course of study;

g) to conduct the teacher’s class in accordance with a timetable which shall be accessible to 

pupils and to the principal and supervisory officers;





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