When working conditions are healthy and safe, ETFO members are free to be at their professional best. 
Clean and fresh indoor air, protection from violence in the workplace, and well maintained schools are 
important factors in our wellbeing.

School boards have a legal duty to provide information, instruction and training about working safely. 
The school board and the principal have a duty to inform educators about potential or actual hazards in 
the workplace. Both the school board and the principal are required to take every precaution reasonable 
to protect educators from workplace hazards. Educators have duties too. For example, when we know 
about a hazard, we must report it to our supervisor. In turn, the school board or the principal must 
investigate and deal with the report. The outcome of the investigation might result in a new safety plan, 
an improved procedure, or additional training.

“Good schools, like 

good families, 
celebrate and 
cherish diversity.”

Deborah Meier

These duties are among many prescribed in Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, (OHSA). The 
main purpose of the Act is to protect everyone in the workplace from health and safety hazards on the job. 
The Act sets out the duties for school boards, supervisors such as the principal, and everyone who works for 
the school board. Some of these duties include requirements for programs and policies on subjects such as 
workplace violence and harassment. The Act sets out rules for enforcement of the law when duties are not 
met. Also described are the duties and powers of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC). The JHSC 
is where worker and management representatives meet to deal with workplace risks and hazards.

The OHSA is the cornerstone of the legal framework that protects educators in the workplace. The 
Education Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act are two examples of laws that also contribute 
to educator safety. There are also number of legal regulations that affect our working conditions on 
subjects such as construction, asbestos and other hazardous materials.

Sometimes, reporting workplace hazards or trying to get more information about concerns can be a lot 
of hard work. As a first step, it’s important to report potential or actual hazards and concerns to your 
principal. Activate ETFO’s health and safety network to support you. Get support from your ETFO Local 
health and safety representative and your steward. Get advice from your ETFO Local president. Your 
president can contact ETFO Provincial for expert health and safety advice.





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