4. For Language, four strands are reported on in January/February and four strands in June. For 

Mathematics, at least four strands are reported on January/February and at least four strands are 
reported on in June. Each strand must be reported on at least once. For The Arts, at least three of 
the subjects are reported on in January/February and at least three subjects are reported on in 
June. Each subject is reported on at least once.

5. The development and inclusion of report cards for junior and senior kindergarten is still in the 

consultation phase. The final edition of Growing Success will include policy related to Full-Day 

Elementary Progress Report Card and Provincial Report Card Guiding Principles:

1. The term “personalized comments” does not mean that every student must have a different 

comment. A well written and meaningful comment may apply to several students in the class.

2. Teachers are not required to completely fill the comment boxes; the comments should be based on 

quality not quantity. Comments should follow the format of Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement 
and be linked to the learning goals for students as opposed to curriculum expectations.

3. Comments may be written in full sentences or in point form.  Individual boards and schools may 

make decisions about this format.

4. The design of the progress card and the provincial report card is standard. The size and location of 

boxes cannot be changed.

5. The six week rule regarding report card completion applies for all three formal reporting periods. In 

the case where neither teacher has had the student for six weeks, support from administration, and 
collaboration on behalf of the teachers is suggested.

Teachers should not be asked to do any additional written reporting to parents (formal or informal) other 
than the progress report card and two provincial report cards.

Please discuss any concerns with your ETFO school steward or your ETFO local president so that the 
federation can monitor the implementation of the new reporting system.

For further information contact your local ETFO president or Professional Relations staff in Protective 
Services at 416-962-3836 or 1-888-838-3836.

EQAO Testing

Standardized testing is not new for students. For many years, elementary 

and secondary students have taken part in testing at all levels -provincially, 
nationally and internationally. Over the past ten years, the amount of testing 
in our schools has increased. This is largely because successive governments have viewed standardized 
tests as tools to monitor a few select variables.

EQAO Established

The government established the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) to:

O accomplish its mandate of designing new tests for grades 3, 6, 9, 10 in reading, writing and 


Members are 
advised to consult 
relations staff 
(PRS) in protective 
services at 416-962-
3836 or  
1-888-838-3836 for 
additional advice on 
administering EQAO 





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