Once students have been dismissed, complete these tasks:

O finish tidying the room, if necessary;
O write a note to the classroom teacher;
O mark any work completed during the day;
O collect all your own teaching resources and personal effects;
O thank staff who assisted you during the day;
O check in at the office to return the classroom keys and to determine if the classroom teacher is 

scheduled to return the next day; 

O maintain confidentiality about the students and the school; and
O inform the office of any incidents or accidents that may require follow up.

What should I include in the note to the classroom teacher?

Classroom teachers need to know what happened during their absence and where to start when they 
return. It is very helpful when a clear and detailed outline of the day is provided. The note to the classroom 
teacher may include:

O anecdotal comments about the day and the students – be truthful but positive;
O a list of helpful students;
O a list of absent students;
O an explanation of what work was completed and what still needs to be finished;
O a review of material with which students had difficulty;
O an explanation of any disruptions to the day (e.g., unexpected assembly, fire drill);
O if you were unable to follow the prepared lesson plans, an explanation and a copy of the lesson 

you gave; and your name and the date.

What is a positive classroom environment?

A positive classroom environment is a reflection of the sense of community between the students 
and the teacher. It involves an understanding of and agreement with classroom rules and routines. It 
incorporates the methods used to motivate students as well as the physical organization of furniture, 
materials, and space. Basically, a positive environment is the good and welcome feeling you ought to get 
when you walk into a classroom.

As an occasional teacher you cannot control the physical arrangement of the classroom and materials, 
but you can foster a sense of community.

Why is a positive classroom environment so important 

for an occasional teacher to establish?

Students become comfortable with established routines and the familiarity of their own classroom 
teacher. The absence of their regular teacher can disrupt everything to which the students are accustomed. 
This is especially evident when the arrival of an occasional teacher is unexpected. Students need to feel 
welcome and comfortable in their own classroom and to have as much continuity as possible in their 
everyday activities.





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