s.18(1) A member shall,

a) avoid interfering in an unwarranted manner between other teachers and pupils;
b) on making an adverse report on another member, furnish him with a written statement of the 

report at the earliest possible time and not later than three days after making the report.

In addition to the rules, regulations, and policies listed above, each individual school and school board 
will likely have its own standards that will apply to the professional relationship between co-workers. 
Such policies will likely be enforceable as a condition of employment and breach of these policies could 
lead to discipline.

What to do if there is a breakdown in the professional relationship between educators

Consistent with the requirements set out above, ETFO encourages all educators to treat each other with 
mutual trust and respect, acknowledging that each has a unique and important role to play in student 
learning and development.

ETFO members are encouraged to discuss, in a respectful manner, any professional relationship issues 
that arise between them. If issues can’t be resolved, ask your local ETFO representative to help.

Mediation is also available through ETFO provincial office to help resolve colleague-to- colleague disputes. 
ETFO’s Professional Relations staff possess relevant expertise in this area and can assist in working out a 
reasonable and respectful working relationship.

These solutions should be sought early in order to avoid harassment complaints, human rights 
complaints, grievances, and deteriorating working environments.

Positive School Team

Teachers – Support Personnel – Principals

Teachers, support personnel, and principals are all important to the school  staff  and student support 
team. Establishing a professional relationship based on mutual respect and communication is essential.

The teacher, as instructional leader, is responsible for program planning, student assessment, and liaison 
with parents. Support personnel are there to support and assist the teacher with these responsibilities.

Important Considerations for Developing a Positive Team:

It is essential that the role of the teacher and the role of the support personnel be established 
and clarified at the beginning of the professional relationship. This  should be done between 
the two and/or in consultation with other staff or the school administration depending on the 
circumstances of the particular assignment.

Role descriptions, responsibilities, and duties must be clearly defined and should be 
communicated to the whole school team at the beginning of each school year to assist in 
– overlap,
– communication problems,
– confusion or conflict regarding role description.





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