Teachers have a responsibility to address this issue when they witness a colleague who may be crossing 
boundaries. In serious situations, reporting suspicion of child abuse may be required.

What Places Teachers at the Highest Risk?

Insufficient training: Teachers insufficiently trained in their roles can become too personally involved 
with students. This can lead to actual or alleged sexual misconduct.

Ignorance of the law: There is no excuse for being ignorant of the law. Teachers need to be informed 
about legal liability and the standards of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT).

Unacceptable Behaviours

In general, activities which take a teacher beyond the expectations of the employer could easily qualify 
as boundary violations. These include:

O becoming too personally involved with students – friend, confidant, surrogate parent;
O seeing students in private or non-school settings;
O writing or exchanging notes, letters or emails;
O serving as a confidant with regard to a student’s decision about his/her personal issues;
O giving gifts or money to students;
O inviting students to one’s home or cottage;
O having students stay overnight in one’s home/cottage;
O driving individual students to or from school;
O giving one student undue attention;
O being alone with a student with the exception of an emergency situation;
O sharing your personal problems with students;
O sharing personal information about a student with a third party; and
O initiating physical contact.

Protective Strategies

The best way for members to protect themselves is to follow that old adage “an ounce of prevention 
is worth a pound of cure.” Teachers must be ever vigilant of situations that place them in vulnerable 

As a teacher, do you protect yourself by:

O learning about the law and your liability as a teacher?
O teaching with your classroom door open?
O having another adult present when attending to the personal needs of special needs students?
O complimenting or commending students without “hugging” or “touching” them?
O reporting any reasonable suspicion of child abuse to proper authorities?*

*All members of ETFO have a statutory obligation under the Child and Family Services Act 
to personally report to the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) when “a child is or may be in need of 

O clarifying procedures with your principal regarding potentially threatening situations?
O getting parents’ and principals’ approval regarding all activities off school property?
O letting students know when they are overstepping your personal boundaries?
O seeking input from colleagues or other professionals if unsure of the appropriateness of your 

actions or plans?





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