Code of Professional Conduct (Article VI ETFO Constitution)

Within the ETFO Constitution is the Code of Professional Conduct. This Code outlines your obligations 
within the Federation. As a member of ETFO you are expected to adhere to these obligations.

Why is the Code of Professional Conduct important?

A Code of Professional Conduct is a framework that informs and guides your actions in relation to your 
colleagues, your Union and your profession.

The Federation can best accomplish its objects when individual members adhere to the Code of 
Professional Conduct. Respecting the Code helps ETFO work on your behalf to improve working 
conditions, to advance the profession and to ensure a professional working environment. We all benefit 
from this individual responsibility within collective action.

A strong union for teachers and education workers is vital to quality education in the province.

6.1 A member shall:

6.1.1 recognize the Federation as the official voice of all the active members of the 


6.1.2 adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Directives of the Federation;
6.1.3 support collective bargaining initiatives, including a strike authorized by the 


6.1.4 refrain from undertaking or supporting actions which undermine established 

bargaining procedures;

6.1.5 honour the terms of the collective agreement;
6.1.6 strive to eliminate all forms of harassment between individuals in the educational 


6.1.7 endeavour to ensure equity and inclusiveness in the workplace; and
6.1.8 strive to achieve and maintain a high degree of professionalism and to uphold the 

honour, dignity, and eth

ical standards of the teaching profession.

6.2 A member who is representing ETFO on the local executive and/or the Executive shall, in 

addition to 6.1:

6.2.1 strive to achieve and maintain a high degree of professionalism and to uphold the 

honour, dignity, and ethical standards of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of 

What happens if I violate the Code?

As a member of a union, it is essential that you understand the importance of the Code of Professional 
Conduct and adhere to your responsibilities in order to reinforce the strength of the collective.

ETFO employs the principles of due process and natural justice in investigating alleged violations of the 
Code. Complaints must be submitted, in writing, to the General Secretary. The procedure for investigating 
formal complaints is outlined in Article VII of the ETFO Constitution.





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