Members of ETFO Provincial Executive march up University Avenue to Queen’s Park.
Members of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and other concerned groups joined together at Queen’s Park to protest the Ontario government’s repeal of the 2015 sexual health curriculum.
Speakers Rayne Fisher-Quann, actor Debra McGrath and her daughter Kinley Mochrie, Canadian Civil Liberties Association Executive Director Michael Bryant, lawyer and member of Muslims for Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum Saba Ahmad and ETFO President Sam Hammond spoke passionately in support of ensuring Ontario students get the contemporary health curriculum that they need to keep them safe.
Standing with the speakers were representatives of The 519, Women’s Legal Education Action Fund (LEAF), Ontario Nurses’ Association and the Ontario Principals’ Council. Upwards of 1,000 ETFO members marched to Queen’s Park from their Annual Meeting at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel.