The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is the professional and protective organization representing over 76,000 teachers, occasional teachers, and education professionals employed in the public elementary schools of Ontario. All public elementary teachers in Ontario are active members of ETFO provincially, and also a member of one of its 76 locals across the province.
ETFO strives to develop programs and services that both protect and enhance the working lives of its members. Our reputation is based upon providing professional learning that is relevant, grounded in social justice and equity, and teacher-friendly. ETFO works continuously to provide an environment that celebrates the diversity of its members and the students in their care. In addition to its internal work in support of members, part of ETFO’s mission is the education, stimulation, and transformation of provincial and local organizations to be responsive to the diverse needs of the membership, and to be a positive influence for change at a societal level.
For more information on ETFO, please visit